World's first industry based software learning platform

Choose your dream industry and gain hands-on software development experience, just like a trainee at a top company. Whether you're an aspiring developer, upskilling, or looking to switch careers, our unique platform immerses you in real-world projects crafted by industry experts.

All you need is a GitHub account and curiosity.

Be industry ready

Learn software by simulating a real career

In an era where AI can code, relevant business knowledge and experience in addressing your future employer's challenges are key to securing your dream job.

Real world training
Our course begins with you analyzing a real-world problem through tickets, designing diagrams with code, pushing working software to a feature branch, and deploying to the cloud after peer review.
Skill & knowledge based completion
Your course results are evaluated based on the skills and knowledge you have gained, which we thoroughly review. We don't deceive you with a mere certificate after some MCQ, only to see you struggle in real life.
Reverse learning
Unlike a typical software course that starts with the basics of a programming language, this course teaches you the reasoning behind why certain features exist and what it can solve.
Documentation style lessons
Lessons are designed to simulate industry-style documentation, explaining concepts in a professional context. This prepares you for the real world from day one.

Immersive learning experience

Engage in an immersive learning experience where you'll not only learn new coding skills but also apply them to tackle real industry challenges.

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